Captiva Island & Sanibel Island Real Estate by Category
There are hundreds of properties for sale on Captiva Island and Sanibel Island, including condos, single family homes, waterfront estates, land, and new construction. Simplify your Florida island real estate search by browsing links to our most popular searches below. Prefer to customize your search criteria? Try our MLS Search tool. Sign up for an account to receive email notifications when a listing has been updated and when similar properties come to market. If you have any questions:
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Popular Searches
- Naples Condos 3250+
- Naples Homes 12480+
- Naples Real Estate 27100+
- Naples Waterfront Condos 3330+
- Naples Waterfront Homes 4320+
- Sarasota Condos 1200+
- Sarasota Homes 1840+
- Sarasota Real Estate 3380+
- Captiva Waterfront Homes 70+
- Recently Listed Homes <10
- Sanibel Condos 160+
- Captiva Homes 40+
- Sanibel Homes 310+
- Sanibel Homes with a Dock 40+
- Captiva Homes with a Dock 10+
- Sanibel Waterfront Homes 340+
- Captiva Condos 30+
- Captiva Waterfront Condos 30+
- Sanibel Island Real Estate <10
- Captiva Real Estate 60+
- Captiva Island Real Estate <10
- Sanibel Waterfront Condos 130+
- Sanibel Real Estate 370+

- Homes Sold This Week 170+
- Open Houses 4340+
- Most Recent Residential 20+
- Homes Listed This Week <10
- Recently Sold Residential 27410+
- Most Recent Condos <10
- Condos Listed This Week 900+
- Recently Sold Condos <10
- Most Recent Land 1500+
- Lots Listed This Week 220+
- Recently Sold Land 15080+
- New Construction 49080+
- Price Reductions 49080+

Captiva Florida Real Estate
- Our Listings 100+
- Beach Villas <10
- South Seas Plantation <10
- New Listings 10+
- Beachfront Homes 10+
- Captiva Waterfront Homes 70+
- Captiva Homes 40+
- Condos with Balcony <10
- Homes with Land (1+ Acres) 10+
- Condos with a View <10
- Captiva Homes with a Dock 10+
- Homes with a View <10
- Homes with Privacy 10+
- Captiva Condos 30+
- Condos with Beach Rights <10
- Captiva Waterfront Condos 30+
- Open Houses <10
- Captiva Real Estate 60+
- Captiva Island Real Estate <10

Sanibel Florida Real Estate
- Our Listings 550+
- Beachview <10
- Shell Harbor 20+
- The Dunes <10
- The Sanctuary <10
- New Listings <10
- Beachfront Homes 20+
- Sanibel Condos 160+
- Condos with Balcony 10+
- Sanibel Homes 310+
- Sanibel Homes with a Dock 40+
- Condos with a View 10+
- Homes with a View 10+
- Sanibel Waterfront Homes 340+
- Homes Near Beach 20+
- Condos with Beach Rights <10
- Homes with Land (1+ Acres) 20+
- Sanibel Island Real Estate <10
- Homes with Privacy 80+
- Open Houses 30+
- Sanibel Waterfront Condos 130+
- Sanibel Real Estate 370+

Sanibel by Price
- $1M to $2M 190+
- $2M to $5M 70+
- Over $5M 10+
- Under $1M 260+

Captiva by Price
- $1M to $2M 10+
- $2M to $5M 10+
- Over $5M 20+
- Under $1M 40+

- Beachview Country Club <10
- Betts <10
- Caloosa Shores <10
- Castaway Estates <10
- Chateaux Sur Mer <10
- Del Sega <10
- Dinkins Bayou <10
- Dunes Sanibel <10
- East Rocks 10+
- Ferry Landing <10
- Gulf Pines 10+
- Gulf Ridge <10
- Gulf Shores 10+
- Heron's Landing <10
- Kinzie Island <10
- Las Conchas Del Mar <10
- Richardson's <10
- Sanctuary at Wulfert Point 10+
- Sanibel Estates 10+
- Sanibel Harbours <10
- Sanibel Isles <10
- Sea Side <10
- Seagrape/Buttonwood 10+
- Seaspray <10
- Shell Harbor 20+
- Tradewinds <10
- Victoria Cove <10
- Water Shadows <10
- West Rocks <10
- White Heron <10
- Wilcox <10
- Woodrings <10
- Anglers Key <10
- Atrium <10
- Bandy Beach <10
- Bayside Villas <10
- Bayview Village <10
- Beach Homes <10
- Beach Road Villas <10
- Beach Villas <10
- Beachcomber <10
- Blind Pass <10
- Blue Gulf <10
- Bougainvillea Condo <10
- Breakers West <10
- By The Sea <10
- Captains Walk <10
- Captiva Beach Villas <10
- Captiva Cove <10
- Captiva Hide-A-Way <10
- Captiva Shores <10
- Casa Blanca <10
- Chelsea Place <10
- Clam Shell <10
- Colonnades <10
- Compass Point <10
- Coquina Beach <10
- Cottage Colony West <10
- Cyprina Beach <10
- Donax Village Cottages <10
- Dosinia <10
- Dugger's Tropical Cottages <10
- Golden Beach <10
- Gulf Beach <10
- Gulfside Place <10
- Heron's Landing Townhome <10
- High Tide <10
- Ibis at the Sanctuary <10
- Island Beach Club <10
- Janthina <10
- Junonia Of Sanibel <10
- Kings Crown <10
- La Playa <10
- Lake Palms <10
- Land's End Village <10
- Lantana On The Gulf <10
- Lighthouse Point 10+
- Loggerhead Cay <10
- Marina Villas <10
- Mariner Point 10+
- Moonshadows <10
- Nani Li'l <10
- Nutmeg Village <10
- Oceans Reach <10
- Pelicans Roost <10
- Pine Cove <10
- Plantation Village <10
- Poinciana <10
- Pointe Santo De Sanibel <10
- Royale Tern <10
- Sanctuary Golf Villages <10
- Sanctuary Heron I And Heron II <10
- Sand Pointe <10
- Sandalfoot <10
- Sandals <10
- Sanddollar <10
- Sandpebble <10
- Sandpiper Beach <10
- Sandpiper West <10
- Sandy Bend <10
- Sanibel Arms <10
- Sanibel Arms West <10
- Sanibel Inn <10
- Sanibel Moorings <10
- Sanibel Seaview <10
- Sanibel Shores <10
- Sanibel Siesta <10
- Sanibel Sunset <10
- Sanibel Surfside <10
- Sayana Of Sanibel <10
- Sea Loft Village <10
- Sea Pines <10
- Sea Shells Of Sanibel <10
- Seabreeze At South Seas <10
- Seascape Of Sanibel <10
- Seawind I And II <10
- Shell Island Beach Club <10
- Shorewood <10
- Signal Inn <10
- Snug Harbor <10
- Somerset At The Reef <10
- Spanish Cay <10
- St.Croix <10
- Sundial <10
- Sunset Captiva <10
- Sunset South <10
- Sunward Of Sanibel <10
- Surfside 12 <10
- Tamarind At The Reef <10
- Tangelwood <10
- Tantara <10
- Tarpon Beach <10
- Tennis Villas <10
- Tennisplace <10
- Tigua Cay <10
- Ventura Captiva <10
- Villa Sanibel <10
- Villas Of Sanibel <10
- Wedgewood Of Sanibel <10
- West Shore <10

Agent Listings
- Listings for Deb Stone <10
- Listings for Elizabeth Podolsky <10
- Listings for Pegge Ford <10
- Listings for Phaidra McDermott <10
- Listings for Dave Saunder 49170+
- Listings for John Bondurant <10
- Listings for Julia Cacioppo <10
- Listings for Kate Stone 10+
- Listings for Kelsey Smith <10
- Listings for Lisa <10
- Listings for Sue Plein 10+
- Listings for Wil Compton <10
- Listings for Valerie Tutor <10
- Listings for Bill Tomlinson <10
- Listings for Brooke Brownyard <10
- Listings for Fred Bondurant <10
- Listings for Mary Bondurant 10+
- Listings for Robyn Moran <10